Wednesday, June 9, 2010

overthinking.... as always.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately...  (what a shocker right?)
Over analyzing my life... my thoughts... my feelings... my desires... my actions... etc..etc. etc.

I feel so strongly right now that the devil's go a hold of me...
I have been slacking on going to church.
I have been slacking on going to bible study
I have been slacking on reading the bible.
I have been slacking on praying. (now i always pray.. I am always talking to God... but I mean like really praying... like deep praying for other people's needs)

I feel like the devil's got a hold of me... and I can't seem to get away.

I feel like I am being torn is so many different directions...

So many different thoughts trouble my mind...

So this morning.... I prayed.... Prayed to have the Lord bring me back closer to him... to give me the strength to fight off the devil's temptations...
I actually woke up early today... and read the bible... and prayed some more...