Wednesday, May 6, 2009

as i

As I sit here at work.. thinking when I really should be working... I pray.
My prayer at the moment for myself... is that the Lord does not keep me in the place that I am at this time...
I am ready for change.
I am scared.
But change is something that I need, something that I am craving.
I know with the change, I will loose friends, maybe family, love, security that I have come to trust... but I will also loose the shakles that are holding me down, I will loose this shell of what I was and blossom into an even more radiant woman of Christ. I will live my path for Christ.

If you would of asked me 2 years ago, or even a year ago, if I would have the heart for the Lord like I do, if I would be thinking the way I do, into the things that I am into now... I would have never even thought I would be here.
The Lord has been so patient with me... waiting for me to make it this far... and is still so patient with me to help grow and blossom.
I am amazed at the change I have gone thru, in just the last year and even just the last few months...
God is so Good.

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