Monday, December 7, 2009


I have come to realize... that since me and my ex-husband split up almost 5yrs ago... Pretty much every man I have dated has some major flaw. Cheating, lying, drugs, etc...
I am starting to think that sub-consciously, I am looking for a man with flaws... Maybe I am trying to punish myself for divorsing my husband. Maybe I feel that is all I deserve.
I dont know... it just sucks..
Its been 5 years... and I still am single and alone. And now trying to raise 2 kids on my own.
I deserve a good man. But I know it has to seem like a lot to man... and maybe that is why I only attract losers!
I am an instant family... just add the man... That is a lot for some men to handle I am sure...
Two kids... two baby daddies... and a Mom who's used to handling it all... all the time...

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