Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Baking with Baby Girl- texas sheet cake

I am a little late at uploading these pics and posting. lol. I apologize. Back in January, my daughter and I made a Texas Sheet Cake for my Step-Grandma's bday!  We went over to her house for a little birthday party. It was a lot of fun!! Baby Girl Loved baking the cake. She talked about making it at least a month in advance!! 

Mixing the cocoa, butter and water together. 

my recipe! haha. Thanks to my good friend B :-)

the dry mix

my big helper

I dont think I made enough frosting.... Only 2;bs of powdered sugar!! haha

 Normally with the Texas Sheet Cake - you bake it on a cookie sheet.. but I opted for a rectangle cake pan instead, I also made a small round cake from it too for us at home! :-)

it was a beautiful day out on the Lake! 

Happy Birthday Grandma Barb! 

Blessings N  Love
Overthinking Mama 

1 comment:

  1. It is so great to see you and your daughter have that time together. Grandma was happy too! Good job to the two of you! Hugs


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