Saturday, June 1, 2013

two weeks

Well it has been two weeks now that I have been unemployed... and I swear I have been more busy in the past two weeks with thing around my house than I have been in the past month!!
It seems like there is always something that needs to be cleaned... something that needs done... something that needs picked up. Always something.

We had a cook out on the 26th for Memorial Day. My boyfriend and I invited our friends and family and had a big ole cook out, a fire and some corn hole playing. It was real, y nice and a lot of fun.

So all the week before the cook out I was cleaning house.. mowing... putting down mulch.. trying to just get everything looking good for every thing... This past week, my dad had eye surgery so I had to take him for that and then also the follow up appt.

Next week, I have a doc appt, and appt with my mom, orthodontist appt for lil man, the last day of school for the kids, a end of the year party/cook out for both kids at different schools on the same day.
Another busy week... let alone, baseball and soccer in the evenings!!

More and more I realize how much I have enjoyed being able to be home and take care of things and always feeling like I am missing out on something with the kids.

It has been on my heart heavy the last couple weeks and even really before that, that I would love to be able to be a stay at home mom... financially I don't know if or how it would be possible. But I am going to pray on it and listen to the Lord speak to me on it.  Even if I could only work part time or something I would be happy with that...I just hate always feeling like I am missing out of so much of my kids lives... always feeling like someone else is raising my kids. I want to have a closer relationship with both of my kids. I want them to always feel like they can come to me with anything and that I am always there for them... not that I am too busy or too tired because of work and everything else. I want to be able to be there when they get home from school and be able to help them with their homework, or personal problems that they may be having.  I just want to be able to be there more for them.

I really need to figure things out... financially... emotionally... and spiritually. I need to meditate on it and put it all in God's hands and see what he has planned for me.

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama

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