Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I have been trying for the last hour to upload pics so that I could write a nice long blog post... but ugh!!! of course my computer is running super duper slow, and I have run out of time. 

Stay tuned for that nice post! lol!- A December to Remember!

Today is a crazy hectic day. I start my 4th job today. lol. Yes that is right, I said 4!!!  And I am working 3 of them today!! 

First its the church... then to the office of another where I am starting today- going to be doing marketing or something- still not sure about all the details. And then tonight at the grocery store my husband works at- I work in the bakery.  *phew* a long day. But my babies and family is worth it. Ya do what ya have to do in order to have a decent Christmas!  

Things have been hectic and crazy and I have been an emotional wreck lately. But I know God's got this! And everything will be alright!! 

Anywho- I need to head off to the next place... 

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama

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