Monday, August 9, 2021

Thompson Twins!

Well it has taken me 5 months to finally write this. I really need to do better.

I know I constantly say that… maybe one day??

Our Twinsies were born!!! FEB 20, 2021!!!!

The day definetely did not go how I thought it was going to!

It started off like any other day… It was a saturday. Hubby and I got up and got ready for bible study/work/community meal serve at our church. We head out there and I have contractions but don’t think too much of it. The previous Thursday I went to the hospital having contractions but since I wasn’t dilating, they sent me home. So I figured it was the same.

Contractions kept on through out the morning and got a little stronger as time went on. So with my hubbys recomendation, I called my doc. She told me it was up to me if I wanted to go in, I could, if not, she’s sure it would be fine. I told my husband, and he said that when we leave the church we are going to go to the hospital, just in case, to make sure everything is ok. We didn’t have anything else going on that day so no biggie. So off to the hospital.

We get to the hospital around 2pm. They check me in, start the monitors and then the doc comes in and checks my cervix… I have dilated to 5cm, contractions are 5mins apart. They tell me I am being admitted and I will be having my babies today.

I got moved to the labor and delivery room about 3pm. I called my doula to let her know what was going on and then I (or maybe it was my husband- the day was all kind of a blur). They came in and talked to be about an epidural. I really didn’t want to get one but unfortunately with twins it is highly recommended that they at least place it just in case they need to do an emergency c-section. They broke baby a’s water since I was progressing well. The nurse that was assigned to me had to go do something (again the days a blur so I can’t really remember what it was) but while she was gone the contractions got stronger and so did the urge to push. My husband wanted to go hunt her down but I told him it was fine. When she got back in she had the doc on duty come in to check me and I was at 10cm. So I was moved to the surgery room as that is protocol for twin delivery incase they end up having tot do an emergency c-sectition. My doula arrived just as I was being wheeled out.

I get into the surgery room and there are so many people in there. There is a full team for baby a. A full team for baby b and a full team for me. As soon as they get me all set up and in position they tell me with the next contraction I can push. It took two pushes and my lil boy came right out. He was born at 5:52pm and 4lb 14oz, 17 1/4″ long.

My lil girl had other plans. They broke her water and we had to wait for another 1/2 hour for her to get into position and come out. She was born at 6:25pm and 4lb 8.7oz 16 1/2″ long.

They both had to be taken to NICU. Elijah was there for 12days and Graci was there for 6days.

They are both amazing babies!!! God has most definitely blessed me.

from WordPress

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