Friday, August 2, 2019

What anxiety looks like… to me.

This is what anxiety looks like to me.


Its standing frozen in one spot continually biting the skin around my finger- not able to move forward with anything until that little piece of skin on my finger feels just right.

It’s feeling like there are ants with needled feet crawling up and down your entire body but on the inside.

It’s feeling like I can’t sit still but I also can’t get up and move.

It’s shaking my entire body trying to get rid of this feeling over and over again without any relief.

It’s just wanting to curl up in bed and never leave.

It’s that constant nagging fear that something is wrong or is going to go wrong or I am wrong but not really knowing why or how or what.

It’s clicking on your mouse at different links but never really reading anything.

It’s doing everything but what you are supposed to be doing.

It’s thinking that if I do this or that I will feel better but again- no relief.

It’s feeling like my stomach has joined a gymnastics team and thinks they are great… but really they are not.

It’s taking an extra dose of Prozac and not getting any relief.

It’s wanting your hubby and kids to love on you but not wanting to be touched either.

I know it will pass. I know I won’t always feel like this…  but in it, it feels like it will never end.


otm sign.

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