Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Marriage Quotes

I found this awesome Blog and wanted to share it with you: ToLove, HONOR and vacuum by Shelia Wray Gregoire…

One of the articles that I read was The 50 best Marriage quotesof 2011… Below are some of my favorites that I thought I would share.  Reading these quotes make me even more anxious and excited to finally be married to the man that God has planned of me. I can’t wait to be the wife God wants me to be.

Your only expectation of your future husband should be that he walk with Jesus.You want a man who will be a spiritual leader and that you worship Jesus together. If you have that, the chances of having a happy marriage are very high.
Lori Alexander, 
Your Standard of Beauty

Marriage is hard work and can be a bumpy road at times. But if I hang on tight to the hem of Jesus and the hand of my husband – I’ll have the best ride of my life!
Women Living Well, 
14 Things I’ve Learned in 14 Years of Marriage

 Love is by definition focused on its object. If I’m thinking about me, I am not focused on loving my man.
Elspeth, Traditional Christianity, 
The Heart of the Five Love Languages

 It’s one of those cases where you may win the battle but lose the war. In marriage, it’s either win-win or lose-lose. There is no win-lose. If you both don’t win, you both lose.
To Love, Honor and Vacuum, 
Am I too Hard on Women?

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we should wait for someone else to do the right thing before we do the right thing.
To Love, Honor and Vacuum, 
Am I too Hard on Women?

Sex is God’s idea. It is His blessing to husbands and wives. It is His provision for making children, increasing intimacy, and providing pleasure to married couples whom He loves. Take a brief moment today to thank Him for sex.
Hot, Holy and Humorous, 
Are you Thankful for Sex?

Sex will fall by the wayside if you do not intentionally make it a priority.
One Flesh Marriage, 
Sex is the Glue

Sex should be deeply intimate and connecting, and while the physical pleasure is great and important, too much focus on that (for yourself or your bride) means not having the ability to focus on other vital aspects of the sex act. Maybe we would all enjoy sex more, and maybe even have more of it, if we stuck to a narrow menu, with something extra thrown in only very rarely.
Generous Husband, 
How Much Variety Does it Take?

 Researchers found that spouses who reported above-average sexual satisfaction were 10 to 13 times more likely to be “very happy” in their marriage, compared with those who were less satisfied sexually.
Marriage Gems, 
Want a Happier Marriage? Be Generous

 Intimacy should not be equated with sex. In fact, chances are, if you aren’t intimate in the other areas of your life your sexual intimacy will be one of the first things to suffer.
Marriage Life, 
Intimacy is a Marathon not a Sprint

Give your man a break. Let him be who God designed him to be.
Hot, Holy and Humorous, 
Prince Ideal vs. Prince Real
You don’t have to agree with him over everything. Just value him, listen to him and take him into consideration when there are choices to be made. And, please, never disgrace him publicly.
The Generous Wife, 
Worth and Value

You might think that you have all of the answers and need to protect your husband from making the wrong choice, but nagging, pouting, losing your temper and complaining aren’t going make him a better man.
Time Warp Wife, 
Trust in the Potter

As I released my fears and unrealistic expectations, I started to really like and love my man for who he is – as a husband, father and friend. My heart and my marriage began to heal.
Renee Swope, RooMag, 
Searching for Happily Ever After

 Kiss every chance you get.
Intimacy in Marriage, 
Do You Really Have Plenty of Time to Nurture Your Marriage?

Please make sure you check out the blog and the above article to read all of the great quotes!

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My- Mama Style

My- MAMA Style

Shirt- Abercrombie-Thrifted- 8.99
Undertank- Target-$5.99
Jeans- Refuge-Charlotte Russe $15.00
Shoes- Walmart $16.99

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama 

Monday, January 23, 2012

1st Hockey Game

 I took the boys to their first Hockey Game!! They absolutely loved it! And so did I and my bff! It was a ton of fun! I can't wait to go again.  Now Lil Man and his Lil Buddy wanna learn how to play hockey. HHMMM... that could be a good idea... one way to get out some pent up aggression and get out some of that unused energy that seems to come out in the post inopportune times. :-p  


funny faces! 

big purses come in handy when your hands are full! 

fight! fight! fight! 

hehe.. we match- and didnt even mean to. White shirt anyone??!! 

view of the city :-) love it. 

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Realization Friday

Well Its back to that time again! Its Friday!! TGIF!!!  
So... what does that mean??!! But yes!! Its Realization Friday Time!!!  

Thank you everyone who gave me some realizations for the week!!  Its appreciated!!

aaaannnndddd.... we are off:

This week I have come to realize:

~       that extreme temperatures either hot or cold, give me headaches.

~                 that there needs to be a puase button for the day, so that I can have more time and can get to the gym and not miss out on my kiddie time!
~                 that I am a complete airhead at times

~       that sometimes compared to him... i kinda feel like my thought process is hippie like. lol.

~                 That word is really irritating me today. ggrrr..

~                 that my bff is awesome.

~                 that my motivation for the gym as seriously slacked since last week. ugh.

~       that my mom is awesome!

~       that i am looking forward to seeing My Love tonight :-)

~       that I truly am blessed!

Alright guys.. thats it for this week... please send me your realizations for my post next week: overthinkingmama@gmail.com

Have a great weekend!! Gonna try and post pics all weekend... but ya know.. we will see how that goes! lol.
Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

retweets of the week

I love retweeting great sayings… Here are some from this week that I have retweeted!! J

I'd rather hear a guy say, "I made plans for us." Instead of the usual... "I don't know, it's whatever you wanna do."

If it’s meant to be, it will be. If not, it won’t. Simple as that

I love the way you lie...LOL JK, if you lie to me again i will throw a brick at your face.

God works in ways that us as human cant understand !

if you want to be treated with respect, you must respect others. That includes those you don’t agree with, or may not even like . #reality

The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

Sometimes you just have to sit and give yourself alone time to work out some emotional confusions.

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Not enough time.

I am starting to feel the overwhelming-ness of life today. Ugh. 
I feel like I hardly ever have any time at home anymore. And I hate it. I am always on the run to somewhere!  

My average night the past couple weeks have consisted of: work till 5/515. pick up kid. Go to moms for other kid and dinner. Take Dad food/check on him. Gym. 730/800 ish go pick up kids from mom and head home.  I am lucky if I am home by 8/830 every night.

I am seriously thinking that maybe I just can’t go to the gym afterwork. L I really can’t go every day on my lunch either.  There just isn’t enough time. L It would be easier if I had someone at home to help with the kids… I could go to the gym after they were in bed. But that isn’t a possibility. So I have to figure something else out.  Ugh.

I know life will get easier eventually… but right now… I am just exhausted.  I don’t even hardly have time to see my new boyfriend.  Maybe once a week if we are lucky.

Oh well. I supposed that is life. J  And I am blessed.

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This morning

posted from Bloggeroid

2012 Resolutions

So every year I always make New Year Resolutions.  2010. I kept all of them!! Last year… yyyeeeeaaaaa….. not so much. I did NONE. L So this year!! I WILL keep and do all of my resolutions!! J

This is what I got for this year:

*** Pay off all medical bills

*** Get more organized. Home/Work/Life

*** Get closer to God- give him the control

*** Get the pics of the clothes I got to sell and get them up on a Website to sell!

*** Start a journal for God

*** Declutter EVERYTHING in my life… from my house, garage, car, purse, friends, facebook.  Everything. 

*** Blog More.. and blog with more pics.  Make this blog more of a timeline of my life… not just blips here and there.

*** Gym time! Make time at least 3-4x a week. Get my body to where I am happy and confident- naked. (not that I will be walking around naked or anything… but I want to be able to look in the mirror and see myself and think. Damn. I look good for 2 kids and 30yrs old.)

So – wish me luck!!

Do you have any resolutions??

Blessing N Love
Overthinking Mama 

Monday, January 16, 2012

why do i blog?

 I was asked the other day Why do I blog?   I wasn’t really sure how to answer that.  Its not for one certain reason or another.

I started blogging about 4 years ago. I have a lot of family out of state that isn’t able to be apart of my daily life with my kids.. so I started a Family Website.  Shortly after I started that, the website got shut down. So after a little bit of research I found out about the whole world of blogging!! So I then decided to do a family blog, dedicated to all things to do with my family… the ups and the downs.   Then after reading a few more blogs I got the motivation to start a “diary” of sorts. Where I talked about being a single mom, dating, guy issues, girl issues and sex.  In 2010 I decided to buy a domain name and merge all my blogs together… and now we have www.overthinkingmama.com!! J

So why do I blog now??
I guess its for a whole bunch of different reason. Mainly I guess cuz some days I just feel this need to write. Even it ifs about absolutely nothing.. I just feel this desire or need to type something out… almost like an addiction. Lol. I crave feeling the keyboard under my fingers… the click click click as I type my thoughts on to the screen, sometimes not even knowing whats going to come out of the words that I am writing. Lol.   Sometimes I feel God calling me to write about something in my life… I have been thru a few different things and have managed to get thru them all.. from being $20,000 in debt, being a single mom,  being cheated on, dealing with an ex drug addict/ alcoholic, being hit, being emotionally abused and a lot more…  that I feel like sometimes I need to get my story out there… just so maybe.. just maybe someone else won’t feel like they are alone with whatever it is that they are going through.  I also use my blog as a way of documenting my life and my kids life.  I have the first few years printed out and plan on doing the rest eventually and have it all in a binder. That way I can go back and see where I was at a cetain time of my life. Where my mindset was at, what kids were doing etc…   I also do this as a relief. I feel better after I type up a blog post.  It’s a stress reliever.. even if what I am writing about isn’t what is stressing me out at that moment.  
I love blogging. I love writing.  I love the people that I have “met” thru this and the other people that I have come to know thru their blogs.  I think this is an awesome way of expressing yourself and putting yourself out there for others to get to know. I am a very shy and reserved person… so this is my outlet. This is my way of letting go where I feel like I can’t in real life.  This is my sanity at times.

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday night

Saturday night.. baby girl, my bff, Fajitas and margaritas. What could be better?! Maybe if my new man was with us?! :-)

Blessings n love

posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, January 13, 2012

Realization Friday

Yay!! Its Realization Friday!!

Here we are having our first REAL snow storm of the year! All I want to do it grab my kids, head home, light some candles, watch a movie and snuggle up with them on the couch.  But… those plans are going to have to hold off till at least tomorrow.  
Tonight, lil man is heading to his dads for the weekend and baby girl and I are heading over to a new beau’s J to hang out for a bit.. 

But anywho… Here are my realization for the week. Didn’t get any help this week L. Oh well.

This week I have come to realize:

~  that I want to get closer and closer to my Lord!

~  that working out everyday during the work week- kicks your  butt!!

~  that I love working out!

~  that life, love and realationships don’t always go as planned.

~  calling someone 3days in a row, leaving voicemails and not getting a call back is super annoying.

~  that I don’t like a lot of Lady Antebellum songs.  They kinda depress me. And Adelle.. sorry she just annoys me anymore.

~   not everyone in life is going to have the same beliefs as you but it is not your place to judge them but to be open about them and realize – to each their own.

~   that putting my life into God’s hands, praying continuously and letting him direct me is the best choice I have ever made with my life.

Hope ya’ll have a wonderful weekend!

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

a struggle

Its been 4 years now…  and I still look back and have no idea how I made it.   I’ve had friends come and ask me for advice… how did I manage and all I can tell them is by Gods grace I was able to some how survive.

When my daughter was just 6 months old, her father and I split up.  It was mutual… yet not. Lol. I knew deep down it was what was best because we just weren’t happy, but deep down, I didn’t want it.    Any who…

Financially… I was screwed.  I was so indebt from being with him and him being unemployed for 10 months. During which time I was on maternity leave having our daughter and it was also over Christmas. So everything in our life got put on MY credit cards.  When he left. That was it. No help. They were my problem.  $20,000 in debt.  Now MY debt. I joined Incharge Debt solutions and got on a payment plan with them.

This is where I was then.  I brought home $790 a pay. Every two weeks. 
These were my monthly bills:
House $750
Car $293
InCharge $344
Gas $65
Electric $65
Water $45
Sitter $400
Phone $60
Insurance $120
Total: $2141.00 a month.  I brought home $1580.00   CS- $400.00 a month.
Yea… No where close to being equal. And this didn’t include food, clothes or anything else in our life.

Till this day… I have no idea how I survived. I don’t know how I made ends meet. And there were even a few months where I paid my ex’s bills because he didn’t have the money to and they were still in my name.

The Lord helped me thru it. That is the only way I could have survived it all and not lost my car or my house or my sanity.   People ask how I got thru… God. Prayer. And Faith. That’s it.  At that time tho, I didn’t even realize I had that much faith. I mean I knew I did…. But not that in depth of faith… The Lord got me thru. The Lord provided for me.  He made life possible for me. 
 So right now, if you are struggling… don’t give up… pray a little bit harder.. know that God sees you. He’s there beside you. He loves you!

Blessings N  Love

Friday, January 6, 2012

Realization Friday

Its Realization Friday time… I am sorry its been so long since I’ve posted. Just so much going on and no motivation… I am going to try and change that this weekend. Hopefully. J

I actually had help this week with my realizations!!!  Thank you!!! 

This week I have come to realize:

~ that when a great person comes into your life and makes you feel great… you tend to forget all the good feelings anyone else ever made you feel.

~  that’s its hard for some people to be honest.

~ that it seems that no one thinks that I work… and that I can take care of whatever it is they need.

~  that men suck

~  that my life could be so much worse

~ that just because a movie has two huge actors in it doesn’t mean its going to be good.

~ that I am never going to be happy till I am happy with myself.

~  That my ex will never get his shit together and it makes me really sad.

~  that my parents are always going to tell me to get rid of my dogs.

~ that it seems crazy and too good to be true.. but I am letting go and falling in love with him.

~ that I seriously have slacked with the blog the last few weeks.. I need to get on that.

I hope ya’ll have a great weekend.  I am looking forward to tonight. The man that I am interested is coming over. I am really excited for that!  Then we are going out with a bunch of friends for a going away type gathering for my sis. She’s gotta go back to Cbus after being here for 2 months. L

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama