Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Copy and Paste- A stolen blog post :-)

So I completely stole this post from Hanna at Daily Ventings and Exclamations (with her permission of course). I love this... and completely agree with her!! I love to be able to reply to comments... but I hate to leave a comment on my own post in response to your comments because well... i doubt you come back to that post that you have already read just to filter through all of the comments to see if i reply... this way below... would just make life so much easier :-)  Check it out and I hope you plan on doing it too :-)  
Blessings N Hugs
Overthinking Mama

love your comments! And so many times, well most of the time, I also reply to your comments! I love going into my email, reading your comments & being able to hit reply & send you a note back. Sometimes, though when I hit reply instead of an email address I can reply to I see the dreaded instead! That means that user does not have their profile set up with an email address, so whenever you leave a comment for a blogger they are unable to respond directly to you...

So, if you would like bloggers to be able to respond to your comments easily (this is especially great if you ask questions so you don't have to go back to the post & see if the author answered in another comment) here's how you set it up on your Dashboard in Blogger...

It's that easy! Now whenever you leave a comment the blogger will easily be able to respond to you. This is also great if you're entering a giveaway and forget to leave your email address along with your comment.

Grab a button - share the word! 


Let me know what you think... good, bad, and the downright ugly...