The last few days have been rough for me.. well really this whole week has been. I have been struggling with insecurity in my life...
I have been worrying about my lack of a job... lack of incoming funds... and with the possibility of not getting the assistance that I thought I may be able to get.
I am learning one thing about myself though... I need to keep busy. I need to always be doing something. I can't just sit around and do nothing. lol. Yesterday as I was cleaning the house, I started to feel better about my life and my situation.
Last night my handsome boyfriend took me out to dinner. My mom wonderfully watched my baby girl so we could have some time with just us. We held hands, we laughed, we joked. It was wonderful and was just what I needed after these past 3 weeks of nonstop running around and this past week of non stop worrying.
This morning I had a great quiet time with God and he opened my mind and my heart to my faith. I know he has a plan for me. Its a magnificent plan. It may not be exactly what I think the plan should be, but His plan is even more wonderful than anything I could ever even imagine!!!
And in the midst of my struggles... God hears my prayers and has blessed me. I always sorta doubted when someone would say: "I prayed for XXX and I opened my mail box and boom, there it was" I have now seen first hand how the Lord works!!! I will not ever doubt again!!!
My heart is rejoicing!!!!
Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama
So glad your weekend was much better than the past three weeks :).