Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 Resolutions

So every year I always make New Year Resolutions.  2010. I kept all of them!! Last year… yyyeeeeaaaaa….. not so much. I did NONE. L So this year!! I WILL keep and do all of my resolutions!! J

This is what I got for this year:

*** Pay off all medical bills

*** Get more organized. Home/Work/Life

*** Get closer to God- give him the control

*** Get the pics of the clothes I got to sell and get them up on a Website to sell!

*** Start a journal for God

*** Declutter EVERYTHING in my life… from my house, garage, car, purse, friends, facebook.  Everything. 

*** Blog More.. and blog with more pics.  Make this blog more of a timeline of my life… not just blips here and there.

*** Gym time! Make time at least 3-4x a week. Get my body to where I am happy and confident- naked. (not that I will be walking around naked or anything… but I want to be able to look in the mirror and see myself and think. Damn. I look good for 2 kids and 30yrs old.)

So – wish me luck!!

Do you have any resolutions??

Blessing N Love
Overthinking Mama 

1 comment:

  1. I have a resolution to declutter too! So I got rid of facebook! Yeah, we'll see how long THAT lasts :p


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