Saturday, May 29, 2010

Flat Stanley

My son had a project for school called Flat Stanley.  They mailed a letter and Flat Stanley to a Grandparent or other family/friend  of each of the kids in the classroom. The Grandparent then took Flat Stanley around with them for a week... capturing everything on camera and then write a letter and send him back to the school with the letter and pictures.  I thought this was really cute. So I wanted to share this with everyone. 
The letter from my son: 

Said this: (in his own words/writing etc) 
Dear grandma, 
I am sending my flat stanley to you Plese take him with you when you go places. If you can take picutres of staley when you go places together. Plese write me a Leter about stanley's visit. After his one week visit, plese return stanly to me at shool. have fun. yore friend, peyton

This is what my mom sent back: 

Saying this: 
Dear Peyton, 
It has been my great pleasure to have your friend, Flat Stanley, visit with us this week. 
Its been a whirlwind kind of week. We wanted to show Flat Stanley so many things that we do as a family. I have included some pictures I took of Stanley and us and places we went. Stanley was a little shy at first, but he quickly got over that. 
How that boy eats! Om my gosh! Grampy and I took him out to a restaurant and he wanted to order everything from the adult menu. We had to explain to him that they have a menu made especially for boys his age. So he ordered spaghetti and we quickly found out that it was his favorite food. We also took him grocery shopping. Now I know he's been to a grocery store before, but really, he wanted everything!
He loves to play basketball and did so with you when you came to visit us too. I took him to work at the Wal-Mart bakery one day, but he go so excited with all the cakes, breads and whatnot, that I had to take him back to the lunchroom and home; too much sugar, I think.
He did not have any problems sleeping and I let him sleep in your bed when you come to spend the night. He rode your sisters tricycle, watched some television, helped me bake cookies, played basketball, read a book, helped me pick out flower plants for my garden, sat in your old high chair for meals, rode a tricycle, played games on my computer and helped Grampy work in his wood-finishing shop. All in all, he said he had a wonderful-good time, and I know we really enjoyed having him visit. He is more than welcome to come and visit again. and soon, I hope. Next time, can you come along too? 
I love you Peyton. Thank you very, very much for giving me the privilege and the honor and trust to have your friend Flat Stanley, come to our house to visit.
I love you a whole big bunch

Thursday, May 27, 2010

you just didnt know this about me...

I'm different... 
I tell everyone that. 
I am unlike anyone else you will ever meet! :-) 

this is why: 

I put important documents in my freezer... because its fire poof

My dishwasher doesn't work. So I put snacks and cereal and stuff in it instead.  Its great for storage and the kids can reach it.

I sleep with a goose down comforter ALL year long.

I have to have caps on my pens or I don't right pretty.

I like things to look "pretty" 

I have to put my under ware and pants on first before my tops.

I put my car keys on my lunch or whatever in the fridge so I wont forget to take it to work or home. 

Once I get something to do in my head (tattoo, piercing, fixing something, rearranging, etc.) its hard to stop thinking about it and I NORMALLY will have it completed with in a short period of time

According to my BFF- I'm the only girl she knows who hair fades when I color it black (like w/in 3 weeks) 

I have an obsession with plastic storage bags:
Gallon size- I use for 
~mismatched socks- 1bag per person
~game pieces
~toiletries with I travel
~scissors for crafting
~crayons, markers, pencils (all separated in their own bag) 
~play dough

Snack/Sandwich size
~I ration out individual snacks (pretzels, chips, chex mix)
~paper clips

My TV doesn't have a built in tuner and I don't have cable or satellite service- so we only watch movies. 

Conversations with my Daddy

I love my daddy... He's great... especially some of the convos I have with him... 

I was over there a few days ago picking up Lil Man and we were all sitting outside... I had a short sleeve shirt on... showing my arms some much needed sun.  and this tattoo: 

Now mind you... Ive had this tat for almost 2 years now... He's seen it and commented on it before...  but obviously had forgotten because he asks me again: when did you get that? 

I told him... almost 2 years ago...  then I ask him... You know I have 8 tattoos right??  The newest ones on my foot and the back of my neck: 

He says yea.. he knows about those... 

Then he asks me: "what are you going to do when you get old and they fade and everything?"

I tell him: " ill go and get them redone." 

He looks at me like I am crazy... 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Completed House!!!

Well... my house is done!! yay!!! I am so so super excited!!! You have no idea.. for the first time probably since I moved in and everything was "new" I love my house!!!  
Click here to see the pictures of what happened.

Here's some pics of everything! 

They moved furniture... and are tearing up my "old" floor in hallway and family room:

My room with all the stuff from the rest of the house. ugh:

more of the family being torn up:

my bathroom floor all up:

laundry room floor all up:

kitchen floor all up

and the family room floor all up... yea.. theres a fridge in there... a deep sink.. oh and my washer and dryer...

they let my Bella run around... but she had her favorite spot.. lol. on Steve's back!

fixing a few other odds and end around my house for me :-) 

My bathroom floor all done! 

Ronny's boots started coming apart... I suggested duct tape.. it worked perfectly haha.

they were perfectionists... had to get every little stuff up off the floor

And here the pics with my house put back together: 

My kitchen: 

Another of my kitchen

My laundry room: (and yes that is a big bag of hamster bedding lol ) 

My family room: 

and my bathroom:

Ronny and Steve with Artista Construction were great!  They took their time with everything... and even went out of their way to fix other "little" things around my house that was messed up. (door hinge, table top, toilet etc) 

I would definitely recommend them to everyone and will have them back for any other repairs/remodeling that I need. 

I am just so happy that my house looks about brand new.. The wood floors give it a whole new feel. I love it. Its given me the motivation to start making other parts of my house look better! No more ghetto rigged redneck way of life for me... well at least till I can't do something and duct tape and screws seem to work! lol. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

my own lil piece of heaven

ive wanted this swing or at least n e swing for at least 4 years now and ive finally treated myself (with the help of my mommy) to one! ive spent most of my free time relaxing on it... oh so nice!!

post it note tuesday~ to do list style

theses are in paticular order.... and i got one done already! yay!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lil Mans first baseball game of 2010

Last Saturday was Lil Mans (formally Baby Boy) first (actually his 3rd but all got rained out) game. 
It was a long day to say the least... 
At 930 Am we had to be up at the rec center to get pictures taken... 
** I had a pic on my phone of this...but somewhere down the line.. it got deleted :-( 
At 100 we had to be up at the fields for Open Day Ceremony where they announce all the teams.. and all the players...  
This is him walking out: 

Then at 7pm was his game :-) 

here he is up to bat :-)

On first:

The pics are a lil out of order.. but you get the picture.. ha ha. 

the game lasted till 910.. and boy was it cold!! 

But they won 22-19 :-)