Thursday, February 5, 2009

men... and their "chics"

I personally find this hilarious!!!

Guys that hit on my thru myspace, facebook, and any other "friend" sites out there... telling me how beautiful they think I am... how they want to get to know me... etc... ok.. thank you.. its flattering....
But how am I supposed to take a man seriously when I look at their profile/page... and there 50 other chics on there leaving you comments like "i love you", I wish i was in bed with you, and o the things i want to do to you, cant wait to see you again, last night was great... Honestly... that just makes them out to seem like a player... and why should I waste my time with a player...

Obviously the "man" is saying similar things to these other chics otherwise why would they be bothering leaving messagese for him? So why should I believe that I am special as he may say? Why should I think I would be treated any differently than those other chics?

Honestly even if all he was saying to me is the truth... First of I am grown. I dont need to deal with a man that has to have an ego boost and have all these women flaunting themselves all over his page... Secondly, I dont need the drama... Ill be the first to say girls are possessive and well for lack of better word.. bitchy. We are territorial... and I dont wanna deal with the drama and the bs that some other chic maybe wanting to start.

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