Thursday, February 26, 2009

post-valentines day.

Its been today... and its actually my Thursday... on a Thursday! lol. (see previous posts)

Pey is in Flordia with His dad and family this week.. I miss him so much... I was in tears last night thinking about him. But I guess he is having a really good time there... They went to Disney Monday and are going again today. I know sissy is missing him a lot too. She keeps putting in his favorite movie for us to watch!!

Sissy is doing good... ornery as ever!

Her new favorite things to say is- What u doing? ill answer.. then she will say ooohh. Its so cute!!

Things with me are good. Was in a down and out mood for awhile... but am better now.

I have started making card... I am so excited about it!! I went and bought a few things for it... so we'll see how it goes... this is one I made for Valentines day...

So as I make more... Ill be putting them up here...
Other than that... nothing really new going on!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

no muse...

lol. i have come to realize... that im lacking a muse for me to write about! lol.

help ladies... i need some idea to write about...

what are you issues? what are your pet peeves? what just completly irks you?

leave me comments...


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I got baptized this past Sunday. It was a great experience. But truthfully my mood has been up and down ever since... I have been very happy at times and then just sad other times. I am not really sure the completely reasons why either. I think part of it may be that there was one specific person that I was hoping (even tho i really knew he wouldnt show up) would show up or at least talk to me at some point in the day and he did not... and I know I shouldnt base my happiness of this day on person unfortunately i couldnt help but be saddened by it. Also I think i am scared of failing. I am scared that I will end up the person I used to be. I have no intentions of being that girl i was... but I think that thought is in the back of my head also. Over all tho. I really am glad I went thru with it. I feel so blessed that Our God is so great to give me this "second" chance with my life... I know he has great plans for me and my future... I can't wait to see what they are... One thing that happened that night after my baptism... When i finally went to bed... I was tossing and turning, having too many thoughts running thru my mind. finally i feel asleep... and I had a bad dream. When I woke up from my dream I looked up towards my ceiling and my door and there was a lil devil looking spider looking creature there... it frightened me slightly. I started praying and praying... and if finally crawled up into my attic it looked like or just disappeared... This isnt the first time I have seen something like this... something similar actually happened right after I got saved... I know the devil has to work even harder to try and get me back now... and he will be in for the fight of his life!

Its been a long few days!

Its Wed. but its my monday! lol. Its been a long few days since i have been back at work...
This weekend was pretty busy for me... but good busy...
Sunday I got baptized! :-) Had both of the kids there to watch... I hope at least Peyton understand what it is all about and everything...
Sissy's been sick the last few days... I dropped her off at the sitters Monday morning as usual... and by the time i reached the doors to walk into work, my sitter was calling me... She had just puked everywhere... so I came in told my coworkers and was off to go and get her. Me and her laid around all day Monday... She threw up the rest of the day... I think we went thru like 9 pairs of pjs... by the end of the day- she was wearing my t-shirts. :-) Tuesday she threw up in the morning... so another day we stayed home... But no more throw up. But she didnt move out of bed all day- and she barely would let me... The only time I did was to pee or when i needed to get dressed to show up to work (with her in tow) for a meeting and then to pick up her bro. I slept till noon!!! i havent done that in forever!! After we picked up Pey from school we went over to my moms and hung out there for a bit... Sissy started getting a fever... Pey had a doc appt to go to so my mom had to watch sissy for me (i couldnt cancel. its a $60 cancellation fee). After the doc appt. sissy was still warm so my mom decided to go and get us all some ice cream. Sissy didnt want anything to do with... but Pey enjoyed it very much. (and so did i) We went home... and my step mom called and said she wasnt feeling well and really couldnt watch Sissy the next day. So I called T sissy's father and asked if he could at least part of the day.. He said he would call back... (i still havent heard a yes or no from him). So sissy ended up spending part of the day today with my mom and the other part with my stepmom (she fig. they both could sleep together).
So that has been our fun filled few days...
Tonight hopefully me and pey will start making valentine's cards for his classmates! i am excited... i actually get to be creative...sorta... and only have to be creative at a 1st grade level! sweet!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

men... and their "chics"

I personally find this hilarious!!!

Guys that hit on my thru myspace, facebook, and any other "friend" sites out there... telling me how beautiful they think I am... how they want to get to know me... etc... ok.. thank you.. its flattering....
But how am I supposed to take a man seriously when I look at their profile/page... and there 50 other chics on there leaving you comments like "i love you", I wish i was in bed with you, and o the things i want to do to you, cant wait to see you again, last night was great... Honestly... that just makes them out to seem like a player... and why should I waste my time with a player...

Obviously the "man" is saying similar things to these other chics otherwise why would they be bothering leaving messagese for him? So why should I believe that I am special as he may say? Why should I think I would be treated any differently than those other chics?

Honestly even if all he was saying to me is the truth... First of I am grown. I dont need to deal with a man that has to have an ego boost and have all these women flaunting themselves all over his page... Secondly, I dont need the drama... Ill be the first to say girls are possessive and well for lack of better word.. bitchy. We are territorial... and I dont wanna deal with the drama and the bs that some other chic maybe wanting to start.