Wednesday, February 15, 2017

a whole lotta nothing

I have tried to start writing this post, I don't know how many times...  and even now I fully don't know what to type.

I want to blog about my new mindset on my future... that I am thinking about becoming a wellness coach.

I want to blog about how I have been going and seeing a therapist and how it has helped me so much in such a short period of time... and how this one is so much better than the last one I went to!

I want to blog about how I am not sure what's going on with my job...and what the future holds for me there.

I want to blog about how wonderful my kids are.

I want to blog about how I broke down in tears on Valentine's day because I couldn't call my dad and say hi.

I want to blog about how my week has been....

Yet, when I start to type any of that... or even think about typing anything... it comes up blaaaaahhhh. lol

So here I am writing a post about nothing and pretty much wasting your few minutes of life reading this.

Tomorrow will be better.

Blessing N Love
Overthinking Mama

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