Friday, October 21, 2011

I just want to sleep

I feel like I a suffocating…
All the life is being sucked out of me.
I just want to sleep.

I feel like I am being smothered by life
Cut off of any feeling other than of sadness
I just want to sleep

I feel like I will never be happy
Just full of an endless sadness
I just want to sleep

I feel like my bed is my only sanctuary
Where reality can’t reach me
I just want to sleep

I feel like sleep is my only reprieve
Where the sadness is gone
I just want to sleep

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama


  1. so much truth, hide away and make everything go away, I sometimes think of a bed as a safe haven from problems, love the it just me or do you feel like you hardly get comments? I have 40 page views on my current blog but not one single comment

  2. how are you going to get out of this funk? how are you going to do it...when are you going to start?

  3. A very emotional poem. Things to ponder about before sleep.


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