A funny thing happened today....
My son was late for school today...
So I had to take him into the office and sign him in that he is late..
So I was like the 5th person on the sign in sheet... and I looked and everyone had signed the date today as 10/06/05. HHHmmm made me stop and think a second... this isnt 2005....
The first person on the sheet musta put 05 (i am thinking that they just didnt finish their 8) and everyone else... instead of using common sense... just put down the same thing.
It is amazing how much like sheep we are... how we will just follow along with what one person does... even if we know it is obviously wrong.
Why don't people think before they act... why do we just go along with what the person before us has done? Why is it so hard to think for ourselfs?
or maybe no one has been late since 2005....