Friday, May 23, 2008


I got our family pics yesterday! I am so so so happy!!! They turned out so wonderful! Probably the best pics we have ever taken! (course this was only the 2nd pics as a family we have ever taken but still)

This has been a crazy week... I felt so worn down...
ok its now sunday... started this on a break at work...then got busy no i didnt get to finish... and it was my plan to write somemore yesterday and friday... but too any things needed to get done and there just wasnt enuf time to do them all...
I am sitting out side right at the moment... it is so beautiful out... Sissy is still asleep (well at least not screaming at the moment) and peyton is around riding his bike and honestly... i am not sure what else.. lol..
aww.. my baby boy just came up to me out of the blue... and says... i love you mommy... aaww... thats what make the yelling and screaming... and wanting to pull everysingle string of hair out of my head worth while.. he has been in a very loving mood toward me here latel... been telling me that he loves me and has wanted to snuggle with me every nite... which is why i havent wrote hon here because honestly snuggling with my son is a lot more important that writing in this...
and with that said... i am gonna get off and get my day started... we are going to visit my sister today... so i need to get things together and kids bathed and fed and what not... should be fun!!!
I thank the Lord everysingle day for all of the things in my life... the good and the bad.. because without the bad in our lives... how would we know what is good..and be able to cherish it properly... we would just take it all for granted.....
What do you think?

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