So this past week definetly didn’t go how I thought it was going to. lol.
Last Wednesday I went in for a routine monthly sonogram. Everything showed as fine. The biggest thing was that baby B Graci didn’t want to get a good facial pic for us and kept her hands up by her head hahahaha. So when my MFM (maternal fetal medicine/high risk) doc came in, I mentioned that I had felt contraction off and on for a few weeks and they had been getting stronger and I had a strong urge to push during them and there was a ton of pressure “down there” like if I moved too much a baby would fall out. So I asked if they could check my cervix with the ultrasound since I was already there. Well come to find out that my cervix had shortened so he wanted me to go in to the hospital just to be checked out further.
So off to the hospital I went. I get there and get in the gown and they get me on the monitors and the doc on call checked my cervix again… and yep- I was 3 cm dilated! Fun times. And apparently I was having consistant contractions… ACTIVE LABOR. So 2 more diffrerent room changes later- I was put into labor and delivery – just in case. So they started me on magnesium to help slow or stop the labor and it also helps the babies brain since they are still so little. I was also giving a steriod shot to help with the development of the babies lungs incase they did come early.
Let me tell you… the magnesium is no joke. I thought my entire body was on fire. My eyeballs felt like they were on fire. Honestly after the 2nd bag of magnesium, the night was kinda a blur. I know the nurse that was on duty for me was very worried that my oxygen levels kept dropping. So they decided to do a chest x-ray. That didn’t show anything. They did an EKG. That didn’t show anything. So then they decided I needed to go down for a CT scan… but before that could happen- that’s when the fun started. HAHA. I was finally aloud to eat. It was after 10pm and I hadn’t ate anything since the day before at dinner time. Not sure that was the best idea for me. About 40mins to an hour later- everything came back up. They tried to do another blood draw (I lost count how many I had lol) and during that blood draw they blew out my vein I think 2x?? I am not sure, I passed out at that point. I never pass out with blood draws or shots or anything. Finally they got me up and stable and decided to take me down for the CT scan. I think half the staff went down with me along with the crash cart – just in case. Again everything seemed fine. The rest of the night was very uneventful thank goodness. Labor stopped and eventually Thursday morning I got moved to a regular room on the high risk floor for observation. The doc came in and said that she wanted to keep me for a few days. She couldn’t give me a date for sure because with my oxygen levels constantly dipping down and being 3.5cm dilated they didn’t feel comfortable at that time to discharge me.
They ran more tests. I had an ultrasound of my legs to rule out any blood clots. I had an ultrasound of my heart- which they did find I have a leaky valve on the left side, so I will be following up with someone regarding that. More blood work (I have bruises everywhere now).
Finally yesterday- Sunday- 4 days after I went in- I was finally discharged. Not allowed to work till after the babies are born. Not fully on bedrest, but am supposed to take it very easy, which if anyone knows me, knows how hard that is for me. I am very independent and hate asking for help. lol.
But I am home and trying to do little things and do some work from home because ya know- mama needs a paycheck.
So we will see what the next 8 weeks brings up. Thank you everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers!!!
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