For the past few weeks our little #Madybear14 had been complaining of stomach pains. She would lay down and then a bit later would be back up playing like everything is fine. I didn’t think too much of it at the time, just figured maybe she had an allergy to food or something just didn’t sit right.
Then she was complaining at school that her stomach hurt her and she had to come home. Madybear loves school and wants to be there so at that point I figured I better make an appt with her pediatrician and get things checked out. I had the appt for the following Tuesday.
Tuesday came and that morning she was vomiting a few times in the early am. No fever, but she was complaining all night that her stomach hurt really really bad. We made it through the night and I take her into her doc appt. At the window I mentioned to the nurse that her stomach was still hurting really bad and she had throw up over night. The doctor refused to see us. They said IF we thought it warrented it, we could take her to the er or urgent care. So off to urgent care we went. I was furious!!!
We got to Urgent Care and with in 15mins of being seen the doctor said she wanted us to go to the emergency room. She thought that she had an appendisitis. So off to the ER we went.
Get to the ER and they were absolutely amazing there. We went to Cleveland Clinic and I can not say enough about how amazing they were. After testing and ultrasound it was determined she needed to have her appendix removed.
She had surgery around 730pm. Her appendix had burst in two at some point and had started to heal itself in 2 seperate pieces. They removed both pieces and also all the infection that was caused.
She ended up spending 5more days in the hospital to make sure all the infection has been removed and there was no more issues.
We went for a follow up Tuesday and everything looks great!!
She is cleared for normal life!!
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