The other night I woke up around 3am. I couldn’t fall back asleep. I felt God telling me to get up and go read His Word. I was so comfy, I didn’t want to get out of bed (mind you this is Feb in Ohio and its freezing). So I made a deal in my head, I would stay in bed but look up His Word on my phone and read it that.
I read a few different devotionals, some scripture and then I felt Him telling to go to my laptop and write. My brain was swirling with all kinda of ideas to write about. What did I do?? I layed there in bed. I made a deal- If I didn’t fall asleep in 10 mins, I would get up. Then it was in 15mins… needless to say, I never got up and now I have no idea what it was that I wanted to write about.
Why couldn’t I just listen? Why did I let my selfish desires get the best of me? I have been kicking myself ever since. How many times in life do I have to make the wrong choice and not listen to God before I start doing what God is asking?
I know the devil is using my constant tiredness to keep me from God and honestly I let him. I give him that control. I need to take that control back. I am struggling with that in every aspect of my life. Not letting my tiredness be the control.
What are you struggling with? What are you doing to overcome it?
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