I hate to say it, but I am thankful that this Christmas is over and that this year is almost over.
This has been one hell of a year. I am trying to think of all the great things that have happened, but sometimes its hard.
This Christmas was exceptionally hard for me, more than people know. I tried to put on a good front for the kids, but deep down inside I am broken.
This is the first Christmas with out my dad being here. The first Christmas that he, my brother, and my step-grandma didn't come over for dinner and to open gifts together. Dealing with being heartbroken and everything else that was going on was almost too much.
One week before Christmas, my car completely broke down. Wouldn't start. When we tried to jump it- the jumper cables caught on fire. Had to have it towed home then towed to the dealership to have it looked at- alternator is bad, battery is bad, serpantine belt is bad. Over $1000 worth of work. God did bless us though. My mom bought me the battery as a Christmas gift. My husbands uncle offered to buy the alternator and serpantine belt for us and we can just pay him back when we have the money. He also put both of those on for me.
So between the stress of that and trying to figure out how each of us was to get to work for a week, figuring out how to get money for repairs, and trying to figure out how we were going to buy Christmas gifts for our kids... and the fact that I was already depressed thinking about my dad. I didn't enjoy this Christmas as much as I have in the past.
I know my father was there with us in spirit. I know he is watching down and smiling as all my kids opened their gifts and laughed at Madybear as she wanted to open everyones gifts.
I know in years it will get easier. Still Sucks though.
I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!!
Blessing N Love
Overthinking Mama