Saturday, May 17, 2014

Marriage reminder...

I saw this on a friends facebook this morning.  This is a good reminder. Just simple little things that we can do to help strengthen a marriage or even just a relationship. Amazing how sometimes the first 3 things are forgotten quickly by both parties and we then end up feeling like something is missing or our spouse doesn't love us like they used too...  We need to make it a priority to love on our spouse... not just love them but show them our love physically. (and not just sex!)

Blessings N Love
Overthinking Mama

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!!

Wishing every one who is a mom to a human or an animal... is a father who has to take on the moms role, or is a mom to be... 

Happy Mother's Day!!!!! 

Blessings N Love 
Overthinking Mama